Monday 22 May 2017


industrial traning center kahnuwan, industrial traning center gurdaspur..


To develop a professional mind set including a confident self – image, leadership, high commitment, and dynamism so as to be able to imbibe appropriate technology and management styles for practice of management.
  • To install a network of Multi-purpose business / education centers to provide various services and training to the public.
  • To enhance rural connectivity infrastructure and thereby find a market for rural products in urban centres.
  • Generate employment opportunities in urban as well as rural sector.
  • To carries out regular training & certification of its faculty to ensure that they are able to handle even advanced IT topics.
  • To enable individuals and societies at large to access information and other facilities.
  • To ensures that course curriculum is as per the needs of the industry & is always kept updated.
  • Development of the core sectors including education, health, human resources etc.
  • To provides high-quality learning aids – including books & CDs – to the students & faculty.
  • To conduct skills training for the students to help them get better industrial placements.

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